What’s Happening in Ottawa - January 29 - February 5

February 3
On February 3, check out the Minoshkite (Music to Your Ears) winter festival! This event is free and will feature artists like William Prince and the Snotty Nose Rez Kids! This event is hosted at The Grand Hall at the Canadian Museum of History.
February 3-4
The Canadian Culinary Championship will be taking place in Ottawa February 3-4! The greatest gold medal chefs from nine regions will face off in this amazing championship.
February 3-4
The Ottawa Winter Jazz Festival is taking place at the Arts Court Theatre, Alma Duncan Salon, and Club SAW! Check out amazing acts like OKAN, Kenny Barron, and Thus Owls.
February 4
The RCMP’s Musical Ride Open House will help the RCMP celebrate 150 years of service. This open house is a part of Winterlude, where guests can meet RCMP officers and their horses, see demonstrations, and take part in family-friendly activities. Admission is free but cash and food donations will be accepted for the Ottawa Food Bank.
February 4
The Winterlude Triathlon is happening - in person - on the morning of Saturday, February 4th! Everything takes place at Mooney’s Bay. There is snowshoeing and skiing!
February 4-5
Ottawa’s very first live eSports championship will be taking place in a competition between Ottawa’s two universities at the Infinity Convention Centre.