Weird Laws in Ottawa
Did you know Ottawa still has some weird rules hanging around in some of our best neighbourhoods?
We did the research so you don’t have to - here’s some of the strangest things you’re not allowed to do in Ottawa.
It is illegal to have a purple front door or garage in Kanata - and having one will cost you a hefty fine. Every other colour is fine, though!

You will also get a fine for working on your car in the street in Kanata! This one isn’t that strange. It was created in order to keep streets clear and clean. If you need to work on your car, you’ll need to keep it in the driveway.
You cannot have more than 5 pets in your residence in Ottawa, with the exception of a certain acreage that would allow you to care for more animals.
You can get fined if your grass is too long! In some places in Ontario, they’ll actually send someone to cut your grass, and then send you the bill afterwards.
You also must use two hands while riding a bike in Ottawa, even if you are carrying a package. This seems like a good law to keep people safe, so we’re not opposed to it.

There are actually also laws on how many coins you can use to pay for goods in Canada! The limit is 25 coins - so 25$ in loonies, 5$ in nickels, or 25 cents should you have any pennies lying around. This law is one of those ones that aren’t really enforced by police, but it gives the right to businesses to tell you when you’re overburdening them with coins.
Did you know, if you decide not to pay a hotel bill in Ontario, the hotel owners have the legal right to make up their money… by selling your horse? We don’t really have much context for this one.
Here’s a good one - if you visit a National Park, you are absolutely not allowed to bring a llama. Or a sheep. Or a goat, pig, or live bird.

If you’ve got a bandage on… you have to keep it on until you get home. It is absolutely illegal in Canada to remove a bandage in public!
Until 2017, it was also illegal to challenge someone to a duel, or to accept one, anywhere in Canada!
And finally, did you know it is illegal to eat ice cream on Bank Street on Sundays? Any other day is fine. But definitely not Sunday.
Most of these laws are no longer enforced or are on their way out. However, isn’t it fascinating to see how laws continue to grow and shape our city and province?