Real Estate Social Media

Includes a sample calendar, story content, and goals!

Getting creative with your social media in Real Estate can be tough. It’s easy to fall into the trap of posting new listings and recently solds over and over again. But these posts aren’t providing much value to your followers, and they definitely aren’t showing potential clients what makes you different. There are thousands of Real Estate agents in your area, so how are you going to prove to your potential clients that you are the one they should choose? 

We have created a sample social media calendar with a post idea for each day, related to Real Estate. Each of the subheadings has its own definition on page 2. Using a variety of post types - including listings, details about the market, information about yourself, stories from your happy clients, and advice for potential buyers, sellers, and investors - you can reach all segments of your audience. 

So why is it important to diversify our posting technique? To start, because we want our audiences to understand us. Any person can sell a house, but people want an agent who can do more than just that. What is your knowledge of the community? How happy are your clients with their purchases? What do you do to assist your clients? How will you prove to them you have the expertise they need? How do you solve complex problems? How agreeable are you with their personalities? As a Real Estate agent, you are more than just a house-liaison. You are actively involved in your clients life for many weeks or months as you assist them in finding or selling a home, somewhere they’ll be spending many years of their life, or have already. They’re looking to you for everything. 

More than just appealing to your clients, you are also building brand recognition and relationships within your community when you use social media to appeal to larger audiences and show a bit of personality and expertise online. Although not all your followers will translate directly into clients, having a large following speaks to knowledge and expertise (even if that feels unimportant, unfortunately it is part of our new reality). Further, these followers, if not direct buyers, may be able to suggest you to someone they know who is looking to buy or sell their home. If you present yourself as an expert, provide free knowledge and insight that makes you worth following, and regularly engage with your followers, you will see an increase in brand recognition that allows you to be suggestible to more people in your area. 

Included in this package too is also a sample week of stories. Story content can be some of the hardest content to come up with, because it has to be instant and personal. A lot of people overlook the value of taking a quick picture of your life and sharing it with your audience, but this is where you become ‘real’. It’s unfiltered, instant, and gives your followers a closer look into the daily workings of your life. You can be repetitive on stories, and share similar content each day. The most important thing is to just post - don’t overthink it, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Share what you’re thinking, share what you’re doing, share things other people have posted that you agree with or think your followers will value from. It can be that simple! 

The final page of this pamphlet includes some details on how to strategize your Instagram content. Goals are important, you want to focus on what you are looking to achieve from your account. Keeping your goals in mind, posting content that will help you achieve them becomes easier. Visuals are also important, especially in the feed. Focus on the visual aspects of your posts, because that is what will help them reach more people and please your audience. Consistency is key, meaning you should be posting regularly. And audience is the final aspect, making sure you keep focus on who is receiving your content, why they want to, and what you want from them. 

Please enjoy all this information for free, no email or registration needed, on us.

From, New Purveyors.


Congratulations Matt, Inman Ambassador!


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