First Impressions When Walking into a Home - Preparing Your Home for Sale

Making a positive first impression on potential buyers is crucial when selling your home. As they step through the door, their attention will immediately be drawn to certain key areas. We spoke with Owen Kennedy, agent at New Purveyors, to build a comprehensive guide to preparing your home for sale to ensure that those first impressions are favourable:


  • Start with a thorough cleaning. Ensure there is no mould present, and any existing mould should be remediated.

  • Apply a fresh coat of paint to the walls if necessary. Opt for neutral colours like white or soft greys, as these appeal to a broader range of buyers.

  • Check the caulking around the bathtub, shower, and sink. Replace any worn or discoloured caulking to give the space a clean and well-maintained appearance.

  • Clean bathroom counters and sinks thoroughly. Ensure they are free of any stains or grime, giving them a like-new appearance.


  • Painting is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve the look of your home. Stick to neutral tones to appeal to a wider audience. Bold colours can be off-putting to potential buyers.

  • Avoid accent walls. While they may suit personal tastes, they can be distracting and may not appeal to everyone. Opt for consistency throughout the home instead.


  • The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home and can significantly impact a buyer's decision.

  • If your kitchen is dated, consider making some updates. Painting cabinets can give them a fresh, modern look. Choose a colour that complements the rest of the kitchen.

  • Upgrading fixtures can also make a big difference. Consider replacing old faucets and sinks with newer, more stylish options to give the kitchen a more polished appearance.

  • Ensure that countertops are clean and clutter-free. Remove any personal items or appliances to create a clean, spacious look.


  • Dingy baseboards can detract from the overall appeal of a home. Take the time to clean or repaint them to freshen up the space.

  • A magic eraser can be an effective tool for removing scuff marks and stains from baseboards. Alternatively, a fresh coat of paint can work wonders in revitalizing them.

  • Pay attention to detail. Ensure that baseboards are properly aligned and free of any visible damage or wear.

Curb Appeal:

  • The first impression begins outside the home. Ensure that the exterior of your property is well-maintained and inviting.

  • Trim overgrown bushes and trees, mow the lawn, and tidy up any clutter in the yard.

  • Consider adding some potted plants or flowers near the entrance to add a welcoming touch.


  • Good lighting can make a significant difference in how a space feels. Ensure that all rooms are well-lit, both naturally and artificially.

  • Clean windows to maximize natural light, and consider adding or updating light fixtures to brighten dim areas.


  • Assess the condition of your flooring. If carpets are worn or stained, consider having them professionally cleaned or replaced.

  • Hardwood floors should be polished and free of scratches. Consider refinishing them if necessary to restore their shine.

Storage Space:

  • Buyers often prioritize storage space. Declutter closets and storage areas to showcase their full potential.

  • Invest in organizers or shelving units to maximize space and demonstrate functionality.

Odor Control:

  • Odors can be a major turn-off for potential buyers. Ensure that your home smells fresh and clean.

  • Avoid strong or artificial scents, as they may be overwhelming. Instead, focus on natural air fresheners like baking soda or fresh flowers.

Fixtures and Hardware:

  • Pay attention to the details. Update outdated fixtures and hardware throughout the home, such as doorknobs, light switches, and cabinet handles.

  • Choose cohesive styles and finishes to create a unified look that enhances the overall aesthetic.

By incorporating these additional elements into your preparation efforts, you can create a more robust and comprehensive guide for preparing your home for sale. Each aspect contributes to the overall impression of your property and can help attract potential buyers and secure a successful sale.


Meet Owen Kennedy


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