Is it time to sell my home? Ask an Agent: John Haddad

There are plenty of signs you should start looking for your first home - financial stability, openings in the market, increased income, a child on the way… etc. But what about when it’s time to sell? How do you know that it’s time to start looking for somewhere new to live? We spoke to John Haddad, New Purveyors REALTOR, for more insight.  

1. You need to either upgrade or downgrade. 

Are you noticing you don’t have enough space in your home? Or perhaps, in contrast, too much? For young couples, this might mean that you are planning to start a family soon and need an extra bedroom. Perhaps you’ve just outgrown your current home and have more stuff and nowhere to put it! For older couples, maybe taking the stairs has become more trouble than it's worth, or it's been more than a month since you last entered the basement. You’ll have to take a close look at your current lifestyle, as well as the one you intend to have in the next 5 years. 

2. You’re getting frustrated with your current home 

Some homes just aren’t laid out well. Others are, but just not for your lifestyle. Either way, its very reasonable that you may find your current home isn’t suiting your current needs. Sometimes, a change of scenery, a new layout, an extra bedroom, or a new basement layout could have a hugely positive impact on your life! If you’ve been dreaming of an en-suite bathroom, a full garage for a workshop, or a basement with enough space to entertain, you may be a good candidate to sell your current home and move into another one. 

3. Changing jobs and relocation

If you’re switching jobs or thinking of starting a new career, this might be a great time to sell your home and start fresh. If you’re switching from in-person work to online, or vice versa, your needs may have changed. If it isn't the location, it may be needing a home office, a workshop, or an in-house suite to host clients! Whatever your needs for your current profession, a change in location or type of home may be ideal!

John Haddad, REALTOR®

613 869 2620


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